Peter Klevius intellectual aid: The ugly face of fascism is here again hurting UK. It was originally painted by US Red Scare propaganda 1917 and now repeats itself as Sinophobic hate incited by $-thief US echoing its 19th C. Yellow Peril Sinophobia.

David Webb got his facts right although not his conclusion. The Great Taking is the result, not of personal evil, but of US 1971- dollar theft which made it to choose a cover-up* instead of bankruptcy. This is why China's success now is a "threat" to US stolen hegemony!

* The means for the enormous embezzlement and cover up was already there in the form of the peculiar 1913 born anti-democratic and secretive Federal Reserve cartel of private US banks, and the "exorbitant privilege" embedded in the 1944 Bretton Woods US forced "agreement" which gavw US the full control over what was meant to be the world dollar, but essentially ended up as a US dollar controlled by US, and a world dollar also controlled by US. The difference being that the US could print dollar for itself without the ordinary economic and financial constraints other central banks have. It's truly an irony that the originally Spanisg dollar was colonized together with Spanish colonies by US. And the simple reason the Congress hasn't touched the Feds criminal and anti-democratic game is that it would finish the economic and financial lie US rests on. So when China's growth charts in the early 2000s pointed to it soon overtaking US, the Congress became bipartisan in against the "China threat". This led to US more than ever utilizing its stolen finance, media, and military tentacles to lock in as many useful idiots (called "allies") in its net, while simultaneously preparing for war against China.

Is BBC's parroting of the US led racist Sinophobia fascism really conducive to the best interest of UK people?

BBC's Sarah Montague seems to have a direct hotline to the US steered military complex. Of course, she isn't the only one at BBC's coterie who spreads US ordered militant fascist Sinophobic hate.

Peter Klevius geopolitical formula produces three main blocs: 1) Desperate $-freeloader (1971-) US pushed Western warmongering neo-fascists 2) sharia islamists and Sionists 3) the rest. Do realize that most people in the third group - the by far largest - share the same basic values as most Chinese and their leadership.

Peter Klevius: The real evil behind Israel's occupation and genocide against Palestinians is US plan to attack Iran and later the very main goal, China. Netanyahu knows this and therefore continues murdering civilians with US bombs and blessings behind the curtain, while Blinken shamefully travels around microphones spewing his utter lies about bothering about it. And Israel's long history of occupation and war crimes, now added by genocide and indiscriminate bombings killing and injuring hundreds of thousands Palestinians, main outcome is more hate instead of peace. Moreover, the killing of the leadership of the resistance movement Israel's actions has produced in the first place, now will replace the stagnant and dysfunctional old leadership with a younger and more dangerous one. And BBC openly supports this human catastrophe - because dollar embezzler (since 1971-) US is the real master over its tiny poor puppet "wannabe great" UK which chooses aggressive militarism with US instead of what UK really needs, i.e. cooperation with China. Not to mention all the racist attacks on Chinese in UK which BBC hesitate to say anything about, while participating in its spread.

US "concern" about China

To understand the real difference between US and China, do listen to Peter Klevius intellectual twin*, Michael Hudson below:

However, on an individual level Peter Klevius also has experience as a real world example of Michael Hudson's forced labor and debt bondage amalysis. After Peter Klevius as a 2-year old, was kidnapped to an other country, he was kept secretly for five years and then transformed into a forced child laborer - and unlike other farm chldren - without any rights status of his own*, and finally kicked out to an other country, at age 17, penniless, kinless, and without formal education. But this didn't stop Peter Klevius severe addiction to knowledge which led him to realize the importance of the Sumerians (as well as its proto-Uralic connection) and later Hammurabi, long before Michael Hudson got his eyes on it. When Peter Klevius researched early civilizations he immediately realized that all the fuss about ancient Egypt obscured the fact that it originally came from the northeast. And when the same turned out to be the case with the older Sumerian civilization, Peter Klevius researched archeology findings in Afghanistan, and noted in a letter (1980) to G. H. von Wright (Wittgenstein's self-appointed successor at Cambridge) that the traces of early civilizations pointed towards Central Asia.

* After five years the wife in the foster family, Anna Lindroos (b. Ylöstalo), allegedly expressed her wish to adopt Peter - which fact probably duped the social authorities to let the kidnapping become officially approved. However, the husband, Bertel Lindroos, and probably the grown up son, Bo Lindroos, seemed to have stopped any adoption efforts and thereby cemented Peter's status as a slave working "filius nullius" on the big farm, while the family was now paid by the state until Peter turned 18. So before this Peter was "no-fault-evicted" from the only home he knew about (and lost the right to a third of it), and deported to his country of birth he had left as a two year old. As a citizen of an other country Peter was excluded from free high school education and had to make his military service in his country of birth. And without money he had to work 7-days a week and educate himself in the evening for a low level exam connected to his work.

See more on Starkis, the house of love and horror.

Peter age 18 fumbling with a guitar at the few minutes left after daytime work as a forwarding agent, evening business school, and extra work on a sports center during weekends. And while eating very little and spending even less on other things (except for occasional trips back to his former homeland) money was short in supply.

Peter age 23 back in his homeland. While working full time as a forwarding agent in the city, and commuting some 100 km every day, Peter used most of his freetime to earn extra, e.g. with this icecream business. He was then promised by the council to be allowed to expand it to a year around sausage, hamburger etc. kiosk. However, a food market owner with backdoor connections stopped the project. Even with these earnings it was impossible to keep up with the high interest on a 100% mortgage. So Pwter Klevius does know how countries in the south felt because of US dollar manipulations.

The song of heart by Peter Klevius 1986.

Nixon’s 1971 decision breached the US’ 1944 Bretton Woods treaty obligations.

 But he had little choice because the alternative was US bankruptcy, i.e. a considerable reduction in wealth corresponding to what the world outside US had to pay extra as the forced users of the dollar as the main world currency. Already long before 1971 US did not have sufficient gold to credibly keep its gold window open. The situation was likely to continue deteriorating because in 1971 the US experienced its first trade deficit of the Twentieth Century.

In effect, Nixon threatened a return to trade protectionism unless West Germany and Japan, among others, increased the value of their own currencies against the US dollar. US Treasury Secretary John Connally even told other G10 countries that the dollar ‘is our currency, but it’s your problem’.

By projecting China's growth on the future US leadership realized "the threat".

while taking no responsibility for its own failure and criminal acts.

US made a protective "legal" gear against its own criminality.

If a secured creditor has “control” over the financial asset it will have priority over entitlement holders.

Essentially, all securities ‘owned’ by the global public in custodial accounts, pension plans and investment funds are now encumbered as collateral underpinning the derivatives complex, which is so large — an order of magnitude greater than the entire global economy — that there is not enough of anything in the world to back it. The illusion of collateral backing is facilitated by a daisy chain of hypothecation and re-hypothecation in which the same underlying client collateral is reused many times over by a series of secured creditors. And so it is these creditors, who understand this system, who have demanded even more access to client assets as collateral.

If the financial markets continue to operate relatively normally, the changes made to Article 8 in the UCC would likely continue to have little impact for individual investors. However, if there were to be a large crash in the financial markets—think of the 2008 housing bubble, only far worse—the stocks and bonds we think we own could be swept away in the aftermath, all to the benefit of "too-big-to-fail" financial institutions like the Federal Reserve banks. At present, there is simply nowhere near enough collateral to cover all the debt and other obligations currently spread throughout the financial markets to ensure that such a “great taking” does not occur.

A review of the current UCC,[2] contemporaneous writings by law professors,[3] the ULC drafting committee’s comments,[4] and a simultaneously enlightening and concerning exchange between the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the European Commission’s Legal Certainty Group[5] clearly indicate that the threat is real.

In fact, this exact scenario has already played out on a small scale, and it has been ratified by U.S. courts. These legal decisions have cemented into law the assertion that large financial institutions have priority over customer assets.

For example, when Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy during the 2008 financial crisis, one of its primary lenders was JP Morgan Chase Bank. A subsidiary of JP Morgan Chase was Lehman’s custodian, of both Lehman’s own assets and the assets of Lehman’s customers.

As custodian, JP Morgan Chase had control of Lehman’s assets, and as lender, JP Morgan Chase had a security interest in Lehman’s assets. As a result of the changes to UCC Article 8—as well as a 2006 change to federal bankruptcy law—JP Morgan Chase was able to take all of Lehman’s accounts as collateral for the loans that Lehman could no longer pay. Webb concludes that “the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers was used to establish case law precedent that the ‘protected class’ of secured creditors have an absolute priority claim to client assets, and that, potentially and practically, only they will end up with the assets.”[6]

China haters want to protect their idealization of US by instead using the word "oligarchy". 

However, whereas Michael Hudson and others may use the word from inside US meaning financially detrimental powers leading to increased poverty and wealth concentration in US and abroad (and the stealing of resources in other countries), Peter Klevius adds to this the 1971 dollar theft which now constitutes a Damocles sword because of the very existence of an other country that outperforms US and thereby "threatens" US stolen hegemony. 

 But the combination of idealization of US and demonizing of China is extremely unfortunate at a time when US needs help to find a peaceful road out of its conundrum. The times Peter Klevius has lived in or visited US, he has felt almost more at home than at home, so people in US who know him can witness that he is certainly not a US hater.   

Swedish "alternative" media dictator (he kicks out voices he wrongly disagrees with and censors valid correcting comments) and racist Sinophobe Mikael Willgert is the very opposite to Lars Bern whom he gives space every Friday, partly because of Bern's popularity, and partly because Bern's alternative medicine talks help selling these kind of products in Willgert's store. Lars Bern's geopolitical views are a copy of Peter Klevius, but the very opposite to those of Willgert, no matter if it's about China, Israel, Russia or US. Moreover, Willgert represents the most backward and old fashioned views on women, technology etc. So for example, Willgert always tried to censor rock solid facts Peter Klevius tried to tell people in the comments field about, e.g. that contrary to Willgert's unfounded but racist guesswork, Palestinians are not poorly educated but on the contrary one of the best educated in the world. And when Peter Klevius contrary to Willgert's unfounded speculations, commented that we are already in the end of our ca 20,000 year long interglacial, Willgert not only censored the comment but excluded Peter Klevius from commenting at all! If Willgert was a leader in a country, everyone would call him an authoritarian dictator.

 We live on the brink to the next inevitable ice age because we're doomed to follow the interactions between Milankovitch cycles and the insolation effects of Antarctica and Greenland! These oscillations and their effects on sea level and vegetation constitute the basis for Simian evolution and later due to even more pronounced oscillations - because of the obstruction and later closing of the Caribbean ocean flow, which created the Gulf Stream part of AMOC - the appearance of South American monkeys (which got their prehensile tail while living in the Caribbean mangrove forests - see Peter Klevius debunking of the silly "rafting theories") and of the genus Homo.



Swedish "alternative" Swebbtv is equally Sinophobic as the mainstream media - and led by a dictatorial intellectually dwarfed China hating clown.

Peter Klevius: Sadly, Swebbtv's main asset Lars Bern is completely wrong when thinking US goal is to get access to Russian raw materials, when in fact the real motive is to contain China, i.e. the same as everywhere else around China. And weakening or even splitting Russia is even that a secondary goal, while the most important is to surround Russia with US short distance "low yield" nukes, i.e. what was ultimately behind Obama's threat 2013 to ploace US nukes on Crimea around Sevastopol, and the push to get NATO closer to Russia which forced Russia to invade Ukraine 2022.US knows that China's progress means US losing its stolen dollar hegemony if it can't stop China

Swedish white "alternative" supremacists* prefer Russia but are against China because Russians are seen positively as "monotheist" Caucasians while Chinese are seen negatively as Atheist Mongoloids - despite the fact both Russians and Chinese speak languages most Swedes don't master, and use a scripts system foreign to most Swedes.

* Do realize that the whole of US dictated West - not only "alternative" mental clowns like Willgert on Swebbtv - suffers from a white (incl. s.c. "uncle Toms", i.e. colored Western Sinophobes) supremacism, i.e. the completely unfounded and debunked (by e.g. the existence of Japan and China) delusion that West's "monotheistic" "democracy" is somehow superior to China's meritocracy, the world's oldest civilization and country. And when Japan stopped making war, it easily outperformed the West in every aspect. The 12 times bigger China repeats it, and restores its position as it was before the Western colonialism and imperialism made possible with copied/stolen Chinese inventions.



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