Roly Walker, appointed by militant extremists in 2023, is a worse threat to the security of UK people than even Saudi sponsored or encouraged islamist terrorists.

Moreover Roly Walker is also a complete idiot when it comes to understanding the background to US push against China - which he happily parrots without having a clue - and if he indeed has a clue, then he is also knowingly committing high treason against UK people. 

UK urgently (now, not in three years) needs the opposite, i.e. trade and cooperation with China. And peace negotiations in Ukraine instead of prolonging the war which US started in 2014* - the same year China for the first time surpassed US GDP (PPP).

* Already in 2013 Obama administration threatened to place US nukes aroung Sevastopol in Crimea, and 2014 US made a coup d'état and toppled the elected president in Ukraine. Russians under the new Ukrainian US dictated administration then became the target of an extensive genocide which meant most of them preferred Russia.


The US demonized China has nothing to do with the real China, but all to do with US dollar embezzlement that makes it possible for US to spend despite constant trade deficit. US is the world's biggest counterfeiter - and a dangerous loser!

To understand US fear of China (the "China threat"), you need to understand 1) the background, i.e. US enormous 1971 dollar theft and its escalating consequences now, 2)  the fact that China is already superior in every area* of tech and science, as well as meritocratic real democracy.  Moreover, China has no reason to start wars - while US whole existence (the stolen dollar hegemony) depends on warmongering (militarization), and starting and continuing wars. And to understand how low the US led West has sunk, just consider BBC implying Russia deliberately targeting a children's hospital (why would Russia ask for more negative news?!) while not mentioning with a word Israel's slaughtering in Gaza and West bank the same day - not to mention the more than 40,000 Palestinians already murdered - most of them children and innocent adults!

* Both US and China itself try to downplay China's success - for different reasons.

 Watch how US stole the dollar. When Nixon 1971 admitted US dollar theft (while lying it was temporary) said 'your dollar may not give you as much abroad as before", that statement actually defined the amount of US embezzlement, because when the US dollar was no longer pegged to gold - only pegged to the whims of US Federal Reserve - it meant that the world dollar (outside US) had to pay for US deficit. So the Bretton Woods (1944) all world currency dollar that was pegged to gold under the custodianship of the Fed, after the theft 1971 (i.e. US violation of the gold connection) the dollar became split in two: a US dollar covering US deficit, and a world dollar that pays for it - both under the custodianship of US. What the US Fed is doing is controlling both currencies while favoring the US dollar.

The Volcker shock 1979/1981 - how an economy professor reveals his ignorance about US evilness because of its 1971 financial theft of the world dollar. 


And there are no mitigating circumstances but just the opposite, i.e. US has used its stolen gains from its financial fraud to cover up its crime and to invest its looted money in arms and wars.

US Fed rules supreme over the world currency US stole 1971, but only bothers about US - not what its behavior means for the rest of the world.

US stolen (1971-) GDP is also heavily inflated because of Fed's manipulations. Two natural elements of economy is inflation and trade balance. However, since 1971 both have been replaced by artificial ones dictated by US Fed.

Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after Google deleted it 2014 and again in February 2024.

Read how climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa

Read how two craniopagus twins born 2006 solved the "greatest mystery in science" - and proved Peter Klevius theory from 1992-94 100% correct.


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