
Showing posts from July, 2024

Roly Walker, appointed by militant extremists in 2023, is a worse threat to the security of UK people than even Saudi sponsored or encouraged islamist terrorists.

Moreover Roly Walker is also a complete idiot when it comes to understanding the background to US push against China - which he happily parrots without having a clue - and if he indeed has a clue, then he is also knowingly committing high treason against UK people.  UK urgently (now, not in three years) needs the opposite, i.e. trade and cooperation with China. And peace negotiations in Ukraine instead of prolonging the war which US started in 2014* - the same year China for the first time surpassed US GDP (PPP). * Already in 2013 Obama administration threatened to place US nukes aroung Sevastopol in Crimea, and 2014 US made a coup d'état and toppled the elected president in Ukraine. Russians under the new Ukrainian US dictated administration then became the target of an extensive genocide which meant most of them preferred Russia.          The US demonized China has nothing to do with the real China, but all to do with US dollar embezzlement that makes it possible

Why is Finland's former PM Sanna Marin on the beach, fashion shows etc. instead of jailed and prosecuted for high treason?!

After all, selling out Finland's neutrality and security to a criminal rogue state like US (NATO) by betraying the will of her own party and the Finnish people, seems to easily qualify for a long prison sentence. Listen to the best US economy professor who also happens to have been deeply involved in Ukraine politics and personally knows most neocon figures in the US adminsistration all the way back to the fall of USSR. Add to this Peter Klevius Chinese GDP history graph* and the fact that "the second largest economy" surpassed US already 2014 - and put this in the context of US motivation to hinder China from collapsing US stolen dollar hegemony. * Already the later George W. Bush administration sounded alarm when extrapolating China's GDP growth figures.  Jeffrey Sachs and Peter Klevius together make sense of the geopolitical crisis US has caused because of its 1971 $-theft and China's success. Jeffrey Sachs isn't only US top economist but has also been inti